
Showing posts from November, 2024

How to Get Your EPR Registration Certificate Step by Step

EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) Registration is one of the most important legal requirements that firms involved in the management of electronic and plastic wastes should satisfy. It makes sure that companies assume the ownership of their respective used products. If you are a new user and applying for the EPR Registration Certificate or if you are already registered but require a renewal in the same, then this comprehensive guide will assist you through the process of applying online through CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board). What is EPR Registration? EPR Registration is mandatory in India for every business falling under the E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 and Plastic Waste Management Rules 2018. This applies to all manufacturers, importers, brand owners (MIBOs) and producers of electronics or plastics waste. The EPR Certificate allows companies to be permitted to pursue their operations legally while assuming liability for recycling or disposal of waste. It is aga...

Why Your Company Needs an M&A Consultant

The reasons why your company needs an M&A consultant In a fast-moving business environment, growth is always a key concern. M&A have proven to be the best approach for many firms to expand their sizes, business reach or to bolster the competitive edge. Nevertheless, the management of intricacies related to M&A is a challenging task that most organisations do not possess abilities to handle internally. This is where an M&A Consultant comes in handy. The Role of an M&A Consultant What is an M&A Advisor? An M&A Advisor is an expert in mergers and acquisitions who helps a business makes the right decision. Their skills range from business analysis and investigations up to deal design and structuring, determination of value, bargaining, and planning of integration. They assist various organisations make good decisions and avoid pitfalls that are likely to arise during crucial transactions with proper specialization. Why Expertise is Important When Underta...

Top 5 Steps to Get Your BIS Certification Fast

Obtaining a BIS Certification as soon as possible is vital for companies which are interested in launching products in the Indian market. The role of standardization is performed by specialized institutes such as the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) with its implied responsibility for the safety, quality, and performance of the inspected production facilities. For those of you keen to get the certification, registration or license fast, below are FIVE simple ways to get your BIS Certification,  BIS Registration  or BIS License. 1. The prerequisites of a Product Classification and BIS Scheme also need to be understood by any consumer. A process of receiving BIS Certification involves determining which product category your item is in and where it can be classified under which BIS scheme. Since there are so many schemes, the need for testing and documentation also varies significantly. The first step is important for your designation application or recognition because ...